Food Diary Friday

Hey there lovelies, I hope you're all doing fabulously. I wish I could say the same, but you know how finals go... they suck. But hey, 9 more days (and counting) until I'm out of here for the summer and I get to kick this sophomore slump in the butt for good.

Anyways, while I procrastinate my paper- OK, in my defense it's not due for three more days- I figured I would do a little bit of blogging. Thanks to school, it's been a few months since I've posted on here, but once I'm done for the summer that will most certainly change. I have so many Celiac-friendly, g-free places to stop by and review for you guys, not to mention I'm creating a gluten free metro map of the DC area! I was also lucky enough to work with Hilary's at the DC Green Festival yesterday, Saturday the 7th, so keep an eye out for a post on that too. I'll tell you what, I could definitely get used to the expo thing (insert winky face here).

But to tide you guys over, here's a quick Food Diary Friday from a couple days ago. Before I dive into the food, the brands I mention that aren't restaurant- based will be linked at the end of this post. Friday was, as the French say, comme ci, comme ca. Following the trend of pretty much the entirety of May thus far, it was raining and very, very grey out. I started the day with a bowl of Love Grown Foods blueberry instant chia and quinoa oatmeal. It was perfect for a nasty day like Friday, just popped the oats and some water into the microwave for a few minutes, and you have not-too-sweet oatmeal with an almost blueberry muffin taste. I mixed them up with some Silk Coconut just to make them a little less thick. Of course, being the Instagrammer I am, I couldn't just eat the oatmeal plain- what kind of picture would that make?? So I topped them with some dried, shredded coconut, bananas, Granny Smith apple slices, (more) chia, and a drizzle of melted Enjoy Life chocolate chips. In all, it was a dang good dairy-free, vegan breakfast before six hours in the library.

Speaking of that library, I spent quite a lot time in there (well, actually, here, because I'm sitting on the sixth floor as I write this) on Friday. As I mentioned before, it's almost finals season for me, and I'm definitely feelin' it, Mr. Krabs. While in the library, I snacked on the rest of the apple from breakfast, as well as some random dried fruit/ nut mixes and chocolates I had in my bag. I know, not the healthiest choice possible. But let's be honest, when your GPA is on the line, those nutrient-dense, prep-intensive meals can't always be your top priority. Besides, I had a lot of books in my backpack, and hey, Tupperware is bulky. Additionally, I couldn't deny myself my staple drink- a venti sugar free vanilla latte, made with soy milk, from the fake Starbucks we have in our library. I actually usually am not, in any way, a fan of Starbucks. Personally, I think they burn their coffee, and it's just not my favorite. But there's something about that drink that I really enjoy more than I care to admit. And hey, who isn't desperate for caffeine- in any form- during finals?

After getting some much-needed research done, I headed out of the library, by which point it was about 3 in the afternoon. And, surprise, surprise, it was still raining. I was also pretty dang hungry, after having not eaten too much the whole day. So, upon getting back to my apartment, I snacked on some left over rice and beans from the previous night's dinner- though I didn't take any pictures of that, because it was pretty much eaten standing over the sink. I did, however, supplement it with a few other things here and there, including a cup of the gluten free chocolate Honey Bunches of Oats. Does anyone else get immense pleasure from eating cereal out of a cup, as opposed to a bowl? No? Just me? OK.

Also, let's talk about the fact that Honey Bunches of Oats has jumped on the gluten free bandwagon. Since they came out with their chocolate ones a few months ago, I have consistently had a box in my kitchen. The fact that I am eating this cereal after twelve years is, I have to say, pretty damn cool. Also it's in chocolate variety, so I really can't complain.

And before you say anything, in my expert opinion cereal is meant to be eaten at all hours of the day and night, and limiting it to just a breakfast food is one of the major things very wrong with our society.

I finally got to dinner around 10:30, after going to a concert my school puts on every year with some friends. All I'll say about that is, I'm glad another friend gave me her ticket for free. Because if I had wasted the $12 on one, I might be tempted to sue the school on grounds of auditory assault (it can be a thing, OK?) to get that money back. Because it was really, really bad. And this is coming from someone who loves concerts, of any kind. T-Pain, please just go back to 2005 where you belong, and stay there.

But back to dinner. We settled on Noodles and Co, because it was one of the few places still open that served something besides greasy pizza or even greasier Chinese food. Now listen, I'm not hating on the aforementioned two as a college kid. I totally understand there is a time and a place (shhh) for that food. I'm hating on it as a Celiac.

Any who.

I've had Noodle's gluten free fusili a couple times, and I have to say I'm impressed. Thanks to a lot of bad experiences with some funky gf pasta early on, it's not one of my favorite foods. However, I really like the texture and taste of whatever brand they use. I settled on the Med Salad with chicken, which also has cucumber, olive, feta, onion, tomato, and yogurt dressing tossed in. I pretty much devoured it- I was hungry!
Well, that's all for this post. Hope you guys enjoyed the glimpse into what I ate on Friday! I'll probably be doing more of these posts in the future. Additionally, if you wanna check out my other social media:

Twitter- @theceliacfoodie
Instagram- @theceliacfoodie
Snapchat- natalia22ad

Keep an eye out for upcoming posts! As always, if you want to chat, shoot me a message at

Peace, love, and gluten free donuts,

Hilary's Eat Well-
Love Grown Foods-
Enjoy Life-
Honey Bunches of Oats-
