Growing Up Celiac- The Intro

Why hello again. 

Happy Monday (I know, that sounds more or less like an oxymoron) to everyone. I hope Daylight Savings isn't being too rough on your sleep schedules. This girl is currently on spring break, so thankfully I've got a bit of respite before getting back to the old grind (insert that crying emoji right here). 

Anyways, to the point of this post! I have decided to do a short mini-series on the blog about my experiences growing up with celiac. Of course being 19, I will admit I probably have quite a bit more growing up to do. Still, I like to think, over the past twelve years of living with a celiac diagnosis, that I have gleaned some valuable info for someone out there. Over the next few weeks, I will be writing about my experiences as a kid with celiac- from getting diagnosed, to experiences at school, parties, summer camps and traveling. I'll be rounding out this little series with experiences I have had being a celiac in college, touching on things such as campus food, parties (though a little different from the aforementioned ones), and the cost of gf food. 

I hope you guys enjoy, and are able to relate to, these posts! Keep an eye out for them soon!

Until then-

Peace, love, and gluten free donuts,
