A Quick Intro...

Why hello! Welcome to the first post of my new blog! As is customary when beginning such endeavors, I thought I'd give you all a quick overview of myself. My name is Natalia, and I'm a college sophomore. I' double majoring in History and Sociology, and minoring in French. I'm really hoping to go into the JAG Corps, and eventually become a judge, so don't expect to see anything political or crazy around here (:D). When I'm not fulfilling my life goals of running and eating everything (GF, of course) in sight, you can find me crying over homework, busy with the University Student Judiciary, desperately trying to find a job, and listening to a strange array of music that we don't have to go into right now.

OK, so enough about me. Let's get to the real reason we're all here- the food.  As you can hopefully tell from the title of my blog, I have Celiac disease. No, I am not one of those people who has independently diagnosed themselves, their children, their mother, and everyone within a ten mile radius with having the latest fad intolerance. I was diagnosed with this lovely auto-immune disease around 2003, at the age of seven. Thanks to a grandmother already diagnosed with Celiac, and even more to a mom who worked her ass off to find me every support network and special snack possible, growing up gluten free wasn't all bad. Of course, it wasn't all fun and games either- but that's a story for my next blog post.

So what kind of things will I be writing about? Well, I'm glad you asked! You can expect to find meal, restaurant and snack reviews, recipes, and helpful GF info! Of course, being 19, it's mandatory I post the occasional update or random anecdote, but don't worry- those posts will be heavily outnumbered by the food pics. If you'd like to find me elsewhere around the internet, my Instagram is @theceliac_foodie, and my email is celiacnatalia@gmail.com. Feel free to give me a shout whenever! 

Peace, love, and gluten free donuts,
